Saturday, 31 March 2012

One of the ways that God reveals his glory is through miracles. We have been singing "God let your glory fall" for many years, so it is wonderful to be in the environment of North Kent Community Church where we see and hear of miracles practically every week.
There is no doubt in my mind that we are living in very exciting days as Christians in the UK.
It is wonderful to see the recovery of Fabrice Muamba after his cardiac arrest; the whole nation was called to prayer by the football world (even Wayne Rooney on Twitter) and now the whole country has witnessed a miracle as stated by the Cardiologist who attended Fabrice.
God loves to heal people and he loves to answer our prayers. Our responsibility is to stimulate atmospheres of faith that enable the miracles to happen.
How do we stimulate faith?  Here are some ideas based around Biblical principles.

  • By experiencing God's power 
  • By hearing God 
  • By receiving faith as a spiritual gift
  • By spending time around people of faith
  • By celebrating what God is already doing.