Thursday 4 July 2013


Recently I have been reflecting on the amazing journey that God has taken me on over the past few years. I have always tried to live by the philosophy that "if God says it, I will do it" simply trusting in his knowledge and wisdom; it seems to me the most sensible way to live because He knows all things from the beginning to the end and He knows me better than I know myself. I try to do this in a godly way, trusting him for the fruit that will follow.
Through extraordinary encounters with God, mind stretching prophecies, challenging teaching and vast amounts of encouragement from different sources, I have been strengthened and enabled to go on this wonderful journey of faith. It has not always been easy, in fact many difficulties have been faced, and unhelpful things which have been a part of my life for many years have had to be faced up to squarely and dealt with. I have had to apologise to individuals and to the whole of North Kent Community Church for things that have been unhelpful and even plainly wrong. But above this has been the ongoing wonderful discovery of the nature of God himself and the wonders of living in his kingdom.
My life is very different to what it was 5 years ago, and North Kent Community Church has developed in amazing ways.
The two most important ingredients to me in this process of change have been the discovery of God the Father and my identity as his son, and the priority of pursuing the kingdom of God first and allowing the church to grow out of kingdom activity rather than just human endeavour.
This year I have been part of the leadership structure of NKCC for 25 years and I thank God for his faithfulness to me, my family and this church. Many, many exciting things have happened during that time. I intend to enjoy the next 25 years in even greater measure as God's kingdom continues to advance. Thanks to all who have contributed positively to my journey.


Wednesday 14 November 2012

NKCC building - faith, hope and love at its foundation.

Today I went onto our building site at Springhead in order to bury something in the foundations of the NKCC building. I had been prompted to put something of value to myself into the spiritual foundation as well as the physical foundation. I decided to put some cards that were sent between myself, Kim, David and Kerry - aspects of love.
Alongside these in the box, was an earring given for this purpose by our friend, Faith Blatchford, who has continually encouraged us upon our adventure of faith, particularly in regard to our building.
Also hope that has been kept alive by God's goodness and faithfulness. We hope and expect great things of God.
Faith, hope and love - we lay these at the foundation of the life of North Kent Community Church.

As you can see from the photos, work on site is progressing and the houses around us give us an amazing opportunity to help create a wonderful community. For more details go to

Tuesday 2 October 2012

What an amazing summer

An amazing summer
What an amazing summer we have enjoyed in the UK. The Queen's Jubilee celebrations roused the nation and brought people together, the concert in front of Buckingham Palace with images actually projected on the wall of the palace, flags being waved, happy faces everywhere.
Then the Olympic Games - such amazing organisation on the part of the UK. Truly we are a great nation. As a family we had the blessing of attending a number of events. Kim and I were in the Olympic stadium for the evening when Team GB won three gold medals in less than an our, Jessica Ennis, Greg Rutherford and Mo Farah. The atmosphere was likely nothing I have experienced before, waves sound rolling around the stadium until it reached a continuous thunderous roar. The celebrations were breathtaking and lifelong memories were made.
Following on was the Paralympic Games where amazing achievements were celebrated. People wanted to be part of the atmosphere, and tickets sold fast. I loved the reality that ability was being seen before disability.
The nation revelled in good news, celebrating affort and achievement. We lived in an environment of good news, cooperation, smiles, celebration and hope for that time. And People loved it.
It sounds like a job description for the church - create an atmosphere of good news, celebration, hope, joy and cooperation. That is the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Thursday 10 May 2012

What is the good news?

Recently I have been talking with my good friend, David Webster, and my wife, Kim, about the "Gospel".
What is the christian Gospel?
What is this good news?
We realised over the years that we have come to limit the extent of the good news in our christian thinking? For instance I was reading a christian magazine recently, that asked the question "When did you last have an evangelistic conversation?" I think I know what is meant by that, probably the question suggests an answer around the idea of when did we last explain to someone the plan of salvation, the concept of sin, forgiveness being born again. And that is a wonderful part of the gospel.
But is the gospel more than that?
I think so, the Bible talks about the good news of Jesus Christ, not just the good news of salvation. Jesus did more than forgive sins, he healed people, taught them, set them free from oppression, multiplied food, he ate and drank, attended weddings, provide wine. He did life in all its fullness.
Jesus simply was good news to all who wanted to welcome Him.
I don't want to limit myself with regard to the gospel - I want to display it in all its fulness as far as possible. Healing the sick, bringing liberty and hope to people, calming storms (in the workplace, in the home), being a source of joy and light.
As his light shines through us in greater measure, we will simply be good news. I don't want to try to include the gospel in my conversation, I want to be good news wherever I am.

Saturday 31 March 2012

One of the ways that God reveals his glory is through miracles. We have been singing "God let your glory fall" for many years, so it is wonderful to be in the environment of North Kent Community Church where we see and hear of miracles practically every week.
There is no doubt in my mind that we are living in very exciting days as Christians in the UK.
It is wonderful to see the recovery of Fabrice Muamba after his cardiac arrest; the whole nation was called to prayer by the football world (even Wayne Rooney on Twitter) and now the whole country has witnessed a miracle as stated by the Cardiologist who attended Fabrice.
God loves to heal people and he loves to answer our prayers. Our responsibility is to stimulate atmospheres of faith that enable the miracles to happen.
How do we stimulate faith?  Here are some ideas based around Biblical principles.

  • By experiencing God's power 
  • By hearing God 
  • By receiving faith as a spiritual gift
  • By spending time around people of faith
  • By celebrating what God is already doing.

Thursday 1 December 2011


What a joy it is to see people being healed. Once again the visit of Joaquin Evans has boosted our faith and confidence in the area of Healings and Miracles; this is great evidence of someone gifted by God to equip His people to do the works of Jesus.
A lady was blind in one eye because of a tumour behind that eye - her sight was restored.
Two people who needed knee replacements became pain free and fully mobile.
At least two people with deafness have been healed.
A woman who had a lump in her breast no longer does.
A lady working at an airline check in desk had a bad neck, she was healed as she sat at her desk in the airport.
A young man with a bad knee was healed in a McDonalds restaurant.
And much more.
Our Christianity is becoming more like the normal Christianity we read in the Bible!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Cloud of Glory

Sometimes it is difficult to know how to respond when God reveals himself in a new way to you. On Sunday 30th October I was in the evening meeting at Bethel Church, Redding, California with some friends and my daughter, Kerry, when God manifested his presence with a cloud which appeared in one corner of the room. Those in that section of the room were immediately excited (there was some anticipation because there had been similar occurrences recently before) and started to exclaim; those of us in the rest of the room started to look earnestly, and noticed swirls of "sparkles" in the trail of the overhead lights. These became more obvious and as time went on. Spontaneous worship came from the congregation and the cloud seemed to thicken some more, erupting in small explosions of light. The cloud actually consisted of metallic particles (gold, silver and red in some areas) and some small feathers. It was an awesome experience watching, but when we moved across to the area of the room where it was happening we experienced a greater measure as we entered into the cloud. Gold dust rained down on us. People were healed spontaneously in the meeting as God met His people in a wonderful way.
After a while of being "in the cloud" we could even taste his presence - a metallic taste in the mouth.
It was like a large family at Christmas experiencing a special treat from Father. The cloud was still present as we left the building, almost 3 hours after it had first arrived.
For many years I have longed for such visitations of God, even more than that for a habitation similar to what happened at Azusa street where the cloud of God's glory remained in a building for three and a half years, so thick that children could play hide and seek in it, and so healing that tumours just dropped off people's bodies.
You can read some reports of these things in the book "They told me their stories" available on Amazon.
God let it be so in our day and even greater.