Wednesday, 26 October 2011

New wine and new wineskins.

Sitting in a room in Redding, California at the moment, woke up at 5am from jet lag (not my favourite). So good to see my daughter, Kerry, yesterday - 7 weeks since she left the UK to be here. Also had a great time talking with some friends here yesterday and seeing some video footage of one the meetings at Bethel in which a cloud appeared in the room - as you can imagine there is a lot of excitement around! God is turning up and doing all sorts of new things.
New wine is being poured out on the earth - we need to be faithful in getting new wineskins to contain what is being poured out. This requires a desire by leaders for God's presence above all else and a willingness to change.
It is time for us to consider these things carefully and with the wisdom that comes from heaven.
We need to have a Kingdom first mindset allowing all the God given ministries full expression not just in church but affecting the world around us as well. That is part of the adventure that we are on - I believe that apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are an expression of the life of Jesus given to his church so that we can see his fullness on the earth. We need to look at these things in light of the revelation God is giving us at this time.

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