Sometimes it is difficult to know how to respond when God reveals himself in a new way to you. On Sunday 30th October I was in the evening meeting at Bethel Church, Redding, California with some friends and my daughter, Kerry, when God manifested his presence with a cloud which appeared in one corner of the room. Those in that section of the room were immediately excited (there was some anticipation because there had been similar occurrences recently before) and started to exclaim; those of us in the rest of the room started to look earnestly, and noticed swirls of "sparkles" in the trail of the overhead lights. These became more obvious and as time went on. Spontaneous worship came from the congregation and the cloud seemed to thicken some more, erupting in small explosions of light. The cloud actually consisted of metallic particles (gold, silver and red in some areas) and some small feathers. It was an awesome experience watching, but when we moved across to the area of the room where it was happening we experienced a greater measure as we entered into the cloud. Gold dust rained down on us. People were healed spontaneously in the meeting as God met His people in a wonderful way.
After a while of being "in the cloud" we could even taste his presence - a metallic taste in the mouth.
It was like a large family at Christmas experiencing a special treat from Father. The cloud was still present as we left the building, almost 3 hours after it had first arrived.
For many years I have longed for such visitations of God, even more than that for a habitation similar to what happened at Azusa street where the cloud of God's glory remained in a building for three and a half years, so thick that children could play hide and seek in it, and so healing that tumours just dropped off people's bodies.
You can read some reports of these things in the book "They told me their stories" available on Amazon.
God let it be so in our day and even greater.
That is awesome Pete, I wish I could have been there to experience this. Greetings.